

Youth teachers' association of SME was funded

On September 27th, the youth teachers association of microelectronics college was established in the second meeting room of the 26th floor, district D.Deputy party secretary Yang jinsheng attended the meeting. Lu li, deputy party secretary of the party committee, presided over the meeting.

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TJU team took second place in the international indoor positioning competition

In the recently held the international field of top event IPIN2017 indoor location positioning itself in the contest EvAAL, associate professor, institute of microelectronics liu yu team in our school by the "pedestrian push a navigation and positioning" events in track 1 to 2.13 meters of the positioning error of the runner-up.The EvAAL contest of indoor positioning is one of the world's most famous indoor positioning, represents the advanced level of the technology, designed to encourage de...

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